Batik art of dyeing is practiced across various countries and has travelled a long way depicting their cultural heritage. In Indonesia the Batik art is performed uniquely and is one of the highly developed technique of creation.
The Indonesian Batik though gives wide variety of highly decorated fabric, the tools are very simple “The Canting”, Wajan, Wax, Cap, Dyes.
Canting is small spouted copper container connected to a short bamboo handle. The copper container is filled with wax and then the artisan draws the design. The spouts have different sizes which enable the artisan to draw as intricate design to his imagination unlike the limitation of application by cap.
Wajan is a container for holding the melted wax. It is usually made of metal and is kept on source of heat to keep wax melted during the work.
CAP is a block of certain design made of copper. Contrary to the Canting, CAP enables faster production.

The cloth is spread out to make an outline of the design with suitable pencil or charcoal or by stencilling. To fill the desired area with colour, the wax is applied on the rest of area. Then the cloth is dipped in the dye bath. The waxed area will remain unaffected and other area will absorb the colour. The process is again repeated of masking and de-masking with wax and dye bath of fabric for the desired area and so on as many times the shades of colour the artisan wants to put on the fabric. Finally the wax is removed after application of all colours and shades by washing the cloth.
We have in our collection versatile artefacts made with Canting only.

Indonesian Batik:
- Batik art of dyeing is practiced across various countries and has travelled a long way depicting their cultural heritage.
- In Indonesia the Batik art is performed uniquely and is one of the highly developed technique of creation.
- Indonesian batik has characters of mystic and ritualistic connection. Objects like flowers, trees and birds have a significant meaning.
- The Indonesian Batik though gives wide variety of highly decorated fabric.
- Design is hand sketched with batik pen & extempore.
- We have in our collection versatile artefacts made with Canting only.